Scootering & SpikeBoarding Side by Side
- 14
- Apr
- 2015
- Posted Byadmin
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Here is a video that demonstrates very well how the development of switch kicking on a footbike leads to sensational power in the CXC stroke of spikeboarding. The same terrain is covered by the same athlete. Switch kicking is so new and so few people dedicate to it’s proper execution that the general public feels as if it’s some kind of impossible act. Many people that rode skateboards as kids simply can’t imagine kicking switch on a board, no less, fluidly and up hills. We we are here to inform you that it is not only, it is possible and easier than a good many activities with millions of participants or want to be participants. I’ll begin with our all time favorite, swimming clean butterfly. Fly is exceptionally challenging, it’s an Olympic sport. How about big bump skiing? Yep you can add add that to the list of “we will never do, never could do,” and yes, 10 x harder than the CXC stroke in spikeboarding. By mentioning only these two activities we are sure you can begin to spark your imagination and think of all the other insanely challenging activities that millions of people love to practice. They fall down, get hurt, labor mightyly while suffering imperfectly to gain their ultimate stroke, trick or time. Why? Because we want to cheat death for only a little while longer. It’s the ultimate race and we always loose it. So hey have a look at the video and then imagine the pay day your body gets and the smile you will be flashing at your buddy death at the end of every climb. Death is smiling at you. Spikeboarding with switch kicking skill set is only one more way to smile back. Learn it, stuff it in your pocket of movement languages and go smile your way home. Become the motor and make the planet proud.